Frequently Asked Questions

It’s worth

asking me

at short notice.


I have a space! 


How much notice do you need?

o   Standard bouquets (7 - 37 cupcakes) Ideally 2 weeks or more, but it’s always worth asking as I will accept last minute orders if I can.

o   Dome bouquets (61 and 91) At least 6 weeks notice is needed. The more notice the better.

How do I order? (Please note: these cupcake bouquets are made to order by contacting me. They cannot be ordered via the website.)

For bouquets of 7 to 37:

o   Contact me using the contact form to check if I am available. I will reply within 24 hours.

o   Pay by bank transfer to secure the order

o   Final bloom choices and colours can be decided nearer to the event. Or leave it to me to make something lovely

o   Collection is from my home in Brownhills (WS8) at an agreed time slot

For dome bouquets of 61 and 91:

  • Contact me using the contact form to check if I am available. I will reply within 24 hours.

  • We can continue to communicate by email or I will arrange a consultation with you (on Zoom). Usually up to 30 minutes.


Can I choose different flavours in my bouquet?

o   Yes! Vanilla, chocolate, lemon and/or carrot cake flavours

o   Small bouquets (7s and 12s) have 2 flavour choices

o   Bouquets of 19+ have up to 4 flavours

o   There is a small extra charge for fillings



Can I choose the flowers?

o   Yes. You can choose some of the flowers. Ask me to guide you through the choices.

  • 7 bouquets (up to 3 different blooms)

  • 12 bouquets (up to 4 different blooms)

  • 19 bouquets (up to 5 different blooms)

  • 24 bouquets (up to 6 different blooms)

  • 30 and 37 bouquets (up to 6 different blooms)

  • Dome bouquets have up to 8 different blooms and this will be discussed with you at the initial consultation.

Can you pipe a specific flower for me?

o   Ask me! I love piping new blooms! If I can, I will.

Can you give me some bouquet ideas for an event?

o   Absolutely, this is what I love to do. Contact me and we can talk about your party/bithday/gift to see what is possible.


Do you deliver?

o   I always deliver Cupcake Domes (61 or 91 cupcakes) as they need specialist handling.

o   The delivery fee is extra and will depend on the distance and time of day. From £30.

o   Occasionally I can deliver standard bouquets, please mention this at the time of ordering so I can block the time out in my diary. Delivery is from £10 depending on distance.

o   All regular bouquets are collected from Brownhills (WS8).


Bouquet Dimensions:

This is how much space is required on the table.


Do you cater for food allergies and intolerance?

o   Yes. I can provide gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free cupcakes. I will always ask you about this when you are ordering.

Do you make nut free or vegan cupcakes?

o   No, not at this time.


I make the cupcakes in my home kitchen where any of the 14 notifiable allergens (celery, cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, lupin, milk, molluscs, mustard, peanuts, sesame, soybeans, sulphur dioxide and sulphites, and tree nuts) may be used.


The buttercream contains the following colourings:

·         sunset yellow FCF (E110)

·         quinoline yellow (E104)

·         carmoisine (E122)

·         allura red (E129)

·         tartrazine (E102)

·         ponceau 4R (E124)

These colourings may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children


How do I transport my bouquet safely?

o   You will need a flat space in the car footwell. (Remember to keep the seat empty, so items do not fall onto it!)

Or flat in the boot.

How long will the cupcakes keep for?

o   To be at their very best, I recommend the cupcakes are eaten within two days of collection.


Do you make other baked goods like large cakes, mini cupcakes or biscuits?

o   No. Only flower cupcakes inspired by real flowers.

Do you sell individually boxed cupcakes?

o   I sell single cupcakes only as an addition to a bouquet order.

Bouquet of 7

Bouquet of 12

Bouquet of 19

Bouquet of 24

Bouquet of 30

Bouquet of 37

Dome Bouquet of 61

Dome Bouquet of 91

25 x 25cm

30 x 30cm

35 x 35cm

30 x 40cm

40 x 40cm

55 x 55cm

65 x 65cm

70 x 70cm